Madison Set Dancers Archives


Madison Irish Set Dance January 12th 3:00-6:00 Wil-Mar Center

December 5th 2018 UTC

Hello dancers, Please join us for a beginner-friendly Irish Set Dance at the Wil-Mar Center on Saturday, January 12th! We will provide dance instruction from 3:00-3:30. We'll dance to live music from the Capitol Ceili Band from 3:30-6:00. Don't worry if you're not a seasoned set dancer - all dances will be called! We'll be using gender-neutral (raven/lark) terminology again! Why? Great community and dancing is fun! What? Irish Set Dance When? Saturday, January 12th, 3:00-6:00 Where? Wil-Mar Center Yahara Room, 953 Je ...Continue Reading

Madison Set Dancers: dance this Saturday at Wil-Mar Center

October 7th 2018 UTC

Please join us for a beginner-friendly Irish Set Dance at the Wil-Mar Center on Saturday, October 13! We will provide beginner dance instruction from 3:00-3:30. We'll dance to live music from 3:30-6:00. Don't worry if you're not a seasoned set dancer - we will call the dances! There is plenty of space, so bring friends! [*]Why? Great community and dancing is fun! [*]What? Irish Set Dance with live music [*]When? October 13, 3:00-6:00 [*]Where? Wil-Mar Center Yahara Room, 953 Jenifer Street, Madison, WI 53703 We ...Continue Reading

Madison Set Dancers October 13 dance at Wil-Mar Center

September 6th 2018 UTC

Please join us for a beginner-friendly Irish Set Dance at the Wil-Mar Center on Saturday, October 13!  We will provide beginner dance instruction from 3:00-3:30.  We'll dance to live music from 3:30-6:00.  Don't worry if you're not a seasoned set dancer - we will call the dances! Why?  Great community and dancing is fun! What?  Irish Set Dance with live music When?  October 13, 3:00-6:00 Where?  Wil-Mar Center Yahara Room, 953 Jenifer Street, Madison, WI  53703 We are asking a ...Continue Reading

Madison Set Dancers Set dancing July 15 at Wil-Mar Center

June 3rd 2018 UTC

Please join us for beginner-friendly Irish set dancing at the Wil-Mar Center on July 15th! Theresa Murray will provide dance instruction from 3:00-3:30. We'll dance to live music from 3:30-6:00. Don't worry if you're not a seasoned set dancer, as Theresa will call the dances for us! Why? Great community and dancing is fun! What? Irish set dancing When? July 15th, 3:00-6:00 Where? Wil-Mar Center Yahara Room, 953 Jenifer Street, Madison, WI 53703 We are asking a minimum of $5 as a contribution toward the room rental ...Continue Reading

Madison Set Dancers last call for house dance this Sunday

April 19th 2018 UTC

We have 12 signed up so far for this Sunday's house dance in Madison - any last takers? RSVP to ...Continue Reading

Madison Set Dancers next house dance April 22

April 8th 2018 UTC

Let's dance! Be one of the first 20 people to RSVP to to dance at a Madison home (south of the Beltline) on Sunday April 22, 2 pm to about 5 pm. For more set-dancing opportunities, follow the Milwaukee scene: or ...Continue Reading

Madison Set Dancers next house dance March 25

March 2nd 2018 UTC

It's time to book our first spring house dance! RSVP to for the afternoon of March 25 in Madison. The first 20 people will get the address and times, see you there! (Note: you can't simply reply to this automated broadcast.) For Milwaukee set-dancing opportunities, see: or  ...Continue Reading

Madison Set Dancers next house dance January 14

December 28th 2017 UTC

Just as winter cabin fever will be settling in, a house dance comes to the rescue, Sunday January 14, 2-5 pm, in southwest Madison. The first 20 people to RVSP to will get the address. (Note: you can't simply reply to this automated broadcast.) Also put the upcoming Midwinter Set Dance Weekend in Milwaukee on your calendar, February 23-25, with world-famous teacher Gerard Butler leading workshops. Here's the flyer: For more Milwaukee set-dancing opportunitie ...Continue Reading

Madison Set Dancers House dance Nov. 19

November 5th 2017 UTC

Hello Madison Set Dancers, Please come to the next house dance on November 19, 2:00-5:00pm. It will be held at my parents' condo in Fitchburg, just off the intersection of Seminole Hwy and McKee Rd/County PD. We will have teaching by Claire, Ed Heffernan from Chicago, and Mike McElroy from Milwaukee. There should be room for two sets, so please RSVP to me at for the address. Hope to see you there! Claire The next Milwaukee set dance with live music will be November 25, wi ...Continue Reading

Madison Set Dancers next house dance October 29

September 25th 2017 UTC

Bryan Whiting has offered to host a house dance on Sunday October 29, with enough room for 2 sets. He is located just south of downtown. Please RSVP to Alan at, who will keep tabs on the count of dancers and send you the time and address. First come, first serve! You'll also soon be hearing from Claire Rohr, who has plans to host a November 19 house dance. ...Continue Reading
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