Madison Set Dancers Archives


Reminder - Dance December 14th, 3:00-6:00 @ Wil-Mar Center in Madison

December 13th 2019 UTC

Hello dancers, Please join us for a beginner-friendly Irish Set Dance at the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center on Saturday, December 14th from 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.! We'll be drinking tea and dancing to lively recorded music! Don't worry if you're not a seasoned set dancer - all dances will be called! We'll be using gender-neutral (raven/lark) terminology again! Why? Great community and dancing is fun! What? Irish Set Dance When? Saturday, December 14th, 3:00-6:00 p.m. Where? Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center, 953 Jenifer S ...Continue Reading

Dance December 14th, 3:00-6:00 @ Wil-Mar Center in Madison

November 21st 2019 UTC

Hello dancers, Please join us for a beginner-friendly Irish Set Dance at the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center on Saturday, December 14th from 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.! We'll be drinking tea and dancing to lively recorded music! Don't worry if you're not a seasoned set dancer - all dances will be called! We'll be using gender-neutral (raven/lark) terminology again! Why? Great community and dancing is fun! What? Irish Set Dance When? Saturday, December 14th, 3:00-6:00 p.m. Where? Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center, 953 Jenifer S ...Continue Reading

Reminder - House Dance - Sunday, Nov 17th - 2:00-5:00

November 15th 2019 UTC

Hello dancers, This is Jeanna and I'm looking forward to hosting a dance at my home on Sunday, November 17th from 2:00-5:00. Like we do at house dances, I'll make sure to have some amount of tea, assorted drinks, and some snacks ready for us. You're welcome to bring something to share if you'd like.  Kara and Charlene will play tunes and Theresa will call sets for us! The current plan, in no particular order, is the Corofin Plain, the Fermanagh (my favorite), the Balleyvourney, and if we have time per ...Continue Reading

House Dance - Sunday, Nov 17th - 2:00-5:00

November 3rd 2019 UTC

Hello dancers, This is Jeanna and I'd like to host a dance at my home on Sunday, November 17th from 2:00-5:00. Like we do at house dances, I'll make sure to have some amount of tea, assorted drinks, and some snacks ready for us. You're welcome to bring something to share if you'd like.  Kara and Charlene will play tunes and Theresa will call sets for us! If you have any special requests for sets - feel free to let me know!  For those of you who have danced at my house in the past, note that I moved t ...Continue Reading

Dance Saturday, Nov 9th 3:00-6:00 Wil-Mar Center

October 27th 2019 UTC

Hello dancers, Please join us for a beginner-friendly Irish Set Dance at the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center on Saturday, November 9th! We will provide dance instruction from 3:00-3:30. We'll dance to live music by the Capitol Ceili Band from 3:30-6:00 with a break for tea in the middle. Don't worry if you're not a seasoned set dancer - all dances will be called! We'll be using gender-neutral (raven/lark) terminology again! Why? Great community and dancing is fun! What? Irish Set Dance When? Saturday, November 9th, 3:00- ...Continue Reading

Reminder - Dance Saturday, Oct 12th 3:00-6:00 James Madison Memorial High School

October 11th 2019 UTC

Hello dancers! Please join us for a beginner-friendly Irish Set Dance at James Madison Memorial High School in the Dance Studio tomorrow Saturday, October 12! We will provide dance instruction from 3:00-3:30. We'll dance to live music performed by Micha Sinak from 3:30-6:00 with a break for tea in the middle. Don't worry if you're not a seasoned set dancer - all dances will be called! We'll be using gender-neutral (raven/lark) terminology again! Why? Great community and dancing is fun! What? Irish Set Dance When? ...Continue Reading

Reminder - Dance Saturday, Sept 14th 3:00-6:00 James Madison Memorial High School

September 13th 2019 UTC

Hello dancers! Please join us for a beginner-friendly Irish Set Dance in Madison at James Madison Memorial High School in the Dance Studio on Saturday, September 14! We will provide dance instruction from 3:00-3:30. We'll dance to live music performed by Charlene Adzima Michaels and Kara Rogers from 3:30-6:00 with a break for tea in the middle. Don't worry if you're not a seasoned set dancer - all dances will be called! We'll be using gender-neutral (raven/lark) terminology again! Why? Great community and dancing is ...Continue Reading

Madison Irish Set Dance Saturday, Sept 14th 3:00-6:00 James Madison Memorial High School

August 22nd 2019 UTC

Hello dancers! Please join us for a beginner-friendly Irish Set Dance at James Madison Memorial High School in the Dance Studio on Saturday, September 14! We will provide dance instruction from 3:00-3:30. We'll dance to live music performed by Charlene Adzima Michaels and Kara Rogers from 3:30-6:00 with a break for tea in the middle. Don't worry if you're not a seasoned set dancer - all dances will be called! We'll be using gender-neutral (raven/lark) terminology again! Why? Great community and dancing is fun! What? ...Continue Reading

Madison Set Dancers House dance July 21

July 4th 2019 UTC

Great news for us while the Wil-Mar Center is closed for renovations: We are all invited to Bryan Whiting's house to dance sets on Sunday, July 21, from 2 to 5 pm. Bryan lives at 1010 Colby St in Madison and can be reached at in case you have questions. ...Continue Reading

Reminder - Madison Irish Set Dance Tomorrow (Saturday, June 8th) 3:00-6:00 @ Wil-Mar Center

June 7th 2019 UTC

Hello dancers, Please join us for a beginner-friendly Irish Set Dance at the Wil-Mar Center on Saturday, June 8th! We will provide dance instruction from 3:00-3:30. We'll dance to live music performed by Kara Rogers and Chelcy Bowles from 3:30-6:00 with a break for tea in the middle. Don't worry if you're not a seasoned set dancer - all dances will be called! We'll be using gender-neutral (raven/lark) terminology again! Why? Great community and dancing is fun! What? Irish Set Dance When? Saturday, June 8th 3:00- ...Continue Reading
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