February 7th 2023 UTC
Hello! Please join us for our monthly Irish set dance at the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center this *Saturday, February 11th from 2-5pm! *We'll be dancing to live music by Michal Sinak! Below, you can find (1) all the details for February 11th, (2) exciting news about our March dance, and (3) future dance dates! ********************************************** *_Monthly Dances at the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center_* Please join us for beginner-friendly Irish&nb ...Continue Reading
January 8th 2023 UTC
Hello! Please join us for our monthly Irish set dance at the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center this *Saturday, January 14th from 2-5pm! *We'll be dancing to live music by the Capitol Ceili Band! Below, you can find (1) information on our monthly dances and (2) exciting news about our March dance! ********************************************** *_Monthly Dances at the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center_* Please join us for beginner-friendly Irish set dances at the Wil-Mar on the second Saturday of the month from 2-5pm. Our next ...Continue Reading
November 26th 2022 UTC
Hello! Please join us for a beginner-friendly Irish set dance at the Wil-Mar on *Saturday 12/3*, both from 2-5pm with live music from our friends Charlene, Kara, and Audrey. Don't worry if you're not a seasoned set dancer - all dances will be called. We'll be using gender-neutral (raven/lark) terminology. No partner necessary. *What: *Set dance with Live Music *When:* Saturday, December 3rd, from 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m with a short beginner introduction offered at the beginning - Come a few minutes early if you a ...Continue Reading
October 16th 2022 UTC
Hello! Exciting upcoming opportunities for Irish set dancing in Madison - (1) monthly dances at Wil-Mar and (2) set dance lessons continue in Middleton! Details below! ********************************************** *_Monthly Dances at Wil-Mar_* Please join us for beginner-friendly Irish set dances at the Wil-Mar on *Saturday 11/5* and *Saturday 12/3*, both from 2-5pm with live music! And save the dates: *In 2023, we will be dancing on the second Saturday of each month*, same time, same ...Continue Reading
October 1st 2022 UTC
Hello dancers, Please join us on OCTOBER 8th for a beginner-friendly Irish Set Dance at the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center from 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m! We’ll be drinking tea and enjoying live music from Charlene and Kara (from The Lilies of the Midwest)! Don't worry if you're not a seasoned set dancer - all dances will be called. We'll be using gender-neutral (raven/lark) terminology. No partner necessary A suggested donation of $10 contributes to the room rental and music. When:* Saturday, October 8t ...Continue Reading
August 13th 2022 UTC
*Irish Set Dance – Beginner Series* Come learn the basics of set dancing! We are thrilled to be offering a 5-week beginner series this fall! Over five classes, we will cover set dance basics and will learn a couple of commonly danced sets, so you can walk onto the dance floor feeling confident. The series will culminate with our October 8th dance with live music at the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center from 2:00-5:00 p.m. All dances learned in the beginner series will be included on the set list for the October 8th dance! ...Continue Reading
March 12th 2020 UTC
To support local efforts to promote social distancing, we are cancelling the set dance on March 14th. We are disappointed, but will take joy in planning future set dances (and possibly a set dance class!) while we wait. We look forward to seeing you on the dance floor soon! Keep an eye on our Facebook page (Madison Irish Set Dance) and the email listserv, and stay in touch! Country Dance & Song Society statement: https://www.cdss.org/covid19 Madison & Dane County Public Health: ht ...Continue Reading
March 10th 2020 UTC
Hello dancers, Please join us for a beginner-friendly Irish Set Dance at the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center on Saturday, March 14th from 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. We'll be drinking tea and Capitol Ceili Band will delight us with lively tunes while we dance. Don't worry if you're not a seasoned set dancer - all dances will be called! We'll continue to use gender-neutral (raven/lark) terminology. Why? Great community and dancing is fun! What? Irish Set Dance When? Saturday, March 14th, 3:00- ...Continue Reading
February 4th 2020 UTC
Hello dancers, Please join us for a beginner-friendly Irish Set Dance at the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center on Saturday, February 8th from 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. We'll be drinking tea and Micha will grace us with lively tunes while we dance. Don't worry if you're not a seasoned set dancer - all dances will be called! We'll continue to use gender-neutral (raven/lark) terminology. Why? Great community and dancing is fun! What? Irish Set Dance When? Saturday, February 8th, 3:00-6:00 p.m. Where? Wil-Mar N ...Continue Reading
January 9th 2020 UTC
Hello dancers, Please join us for a beginner-friendly Irish Set Dance at the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center on Saturday, January 11th from 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. We'll be drinking tea and dancing to music performed by Charlene and Kara. Don't worry if you're not a seasoned set dancer - all dances will be called! We'll continue to use gender-neutral (raven/lark) terminology. Why? Great community and dancing is fun! What? Irish Set Dance When? Saturday, January 11th, 3:00-6:00 p.m. Where? Wil-Mar Neighborhoo ...Continue Reading
This mailing list is announce-only.
Irish set-dancers in Madison should subscribe to this list to receive one brief e-mail before any Irish set-dancing activity in the Madison area. If you have news you wish to share with this list, please contact us at madsets@celticmadison.org http://www.celticmadison.org/dance/
Your e-mail address will not be reused or shared for any other purpose or organization.